Meteored: DANA brings rain and winter cold to Spain

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After a weekend of record temperatures across Spain, a sudden change in the weather marks a transition from the warm ‘veranillo’ to cooler spring temperatures. Weather agency Aemet announces a DANA moving from the southwest towards Spain.

Although the heat of recent days has not been as intense or prolonged as the abnormally hot weather at the same time last year, it still brought exceptionally high temperatures from north to south across Spain this past weekend. Now, however, the coming days promise to show a very different picture.

Rain and cold expected

The weather will change in the coming days, with falling temperatures already starting in the north and expected to spread to the rest of the country. By the end of the week, an Isolated High Level Depression (DANA) will move from the Atlantic Ocean into the south of the Iberian Peninsula. Rain and cold are the result.

Rain, snow and wind

From Wednesday, meteorologists expect rain showers in northern Galicia, the Cantabrian region and especially in the Pyrenees. In mountain areas, snow is forecast above 900 to 1200 metres. The cold extends to the part of the Spanish plateau in the Castilla y León region. Rain is also expected in eastern Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, while temperatures will drop, especially in the Mediterranean region. In addition, strong winds will blow in the Ebro River valley in the south of Catalonia and in the mountainous areas of Mallorca and Menorca.

Cogesa Expats

In Andalucia, Meteored expects cooler air and storms due to an anticyclone block. Temperatures will drop from Thursday, with maximums below 25 degrees. The change in weather will be more noticeable on Friday with possible showers, especially in western Andalucia and southern Extremadura. Cooler temperatures and the risk of storms could continue into the weekend, but with decreasing intensity.

Recovery from drought

Although rainfall in the coming days will not be as abundant as during the wettest Easter in 50 years, the outlook is optimistic. Currently, the Spanish reservoirs are 66.61% full. This means that in the past month they have moved from a deficit situation to exceeding the average of the past ten years for this time of year. The forecast rain as a result of the DANA will contribute to the recovery of the level of Andalucian water reserves.

Improvement of Murcia’s water resources

Although some regions receive more rainfall than others, the situation is improving overall, especially in the Segura river basin. Authorities in this area are considering changing the classification from ‘exceptional drought’ to ‘ordinary drought’ if conditions remain favourable. While the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula has not benefited from rainfall as much as other regions, there are signs of improvement.

Also read: Hotels in Catalonia must allow members of the public into their swimming pools due to  drought measures

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