Spain awaits summer weekend with temperatures of over 30 degrees

by Lorraine Williamson
summer temperatures

Instead of spring-like, the temperatures this weekend will feel like summer in Spain. Temperatures, which began to rise across the country on Wednesday, will continue to rise. Furthermore, they will reach 30 °C in many areas. And in a number of places, the temperature will be even higher.

In the north of the peninsula there will be areas with higher maximum temperatures than in the south. Some examples of this are Bilbao and Lleida. “In Bilbao, a maximum temperature of 29 °C or 30 °C is forecast for Saturday, as well as in Lleida, where it could reach 31 °C on Sunday.

For the Andalucian city of Jaén, the maximum temperatures are 26 °C or 27 °C, in Córdoba it could reach 28 °C”, announces the Spanish weather service Eltiempo on its website. There will also be highs above 25 °C in the rest of the country. In cities such as Zaragoza, Ourense and Murcia, the temperature can reach 30 °C. Or even exceed it.

Cogesa Expats

Why does it get so hot?

Since Thursday, a very warm and dry air mass from Africa has entered Spain. First it passed over the Canary Islands with mist and then it spread to the peninsula, causing temperatures to rise even further.

This heat is due to several factors. On one hand, there are air currents that, when they drop in height, compress and raise the temperature. In addition, there is a strong anticyclone on the surface. This, together with the absence of clouds and the increase in the number of hours of sunshine, will encourage an increase in temperatures.

How long will the summer temperatures last?

From Monday, temperatures will drop due to cold air mattress that will penetrate the north of the peninsula. As a result, a drop in temperature may set in that will mainly affect the north of the peninsula. “This decline will gradually spread to the rest of the area, reducing the heat in the peninsula and the Balearic Islands. In the Canary Islands, a significant drop in temperature is not expected until the middle of next week,” explains Eltiempo.

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