UPDATE – Andalucia Covid passport

by Lorraine Williamson
Andalucia covid passport

ANDALUCIA – The Junta de Andalucia has just updated some information. This is following today´s announcement that the Covid passport will be required to enter Andalucia hospitality venues.

However, until the Boja (Boletin Oficial de la Junta de Andalucia) is posted, it is still subject to change. But, this should be published within the next 48 hours.

The Junta state, “the Covid certificate will come into force for leisure and restaurants from Sunday to Monday.

Interior spaces

The Minister of Health and Families, Jesús Aguirre confirmed; “the Covid certificate will come into effect for people accessing interior spaces of hospitality, leisure, and leisure establishments. This will be with effect from midnight on Sunday, December 19”.

Therefore, it would seem the covid passport will not be necessary for terraces of bars and restaurants!

How to obtain the Covid certificate

As reported in our previous article, the Covid certificate can be obtained in various ways: ClicSalud + the mobile application ‘Salud Andalucía’, through the Ministry of Health and at the health centre or by electronic submission of the application.


To download through ClicSalud + you must identify yourself with a digital certificate, DNie or Cl@ve. However, recently, Clicsalud + facilitates access to the EU Digital COVID Certificate with a new method of identification with personal data and mobile verification based on the use of personal information.

However, this system requires entering an access code sent to your mobile phone (via SMS) to complete the authentication process.

The ‘Salud Andalucía’ App is the institutional reference mobile application for all users of the Andalucian Health Service and is available for free of charge.

QR reader to verify Covid certificates

The Ministry of Health and Families launched new functionality in the ‘Salud Andalucía‘ application on December 7, including a QR code reader through which it is possible to verify the validity of the European Union Covid certificate.

The reader is to verify the QR is correct, and current. Then when the application certifies the data is correct, it returns an ok with the basic data of the holder (name and date of birth) so that the person who validates it can verify that they correspond to the identity of the person presenting it.

The ok is shown with a large green circle with a positive check inside. However, if it is not valid, a red circle is displayed with a cross in the centre.

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