GALICIA – Two large forest fires have been registered in the Ribas de Sil area of Lugo in Galicia. At the time of writing, both fires were still raging uncontrollably.
Due to the proximity to property, a level 2 alert has been maintained. Smoke from the fires is also causing problems for traffic visibility on the N-120 road.
The first of the fires started on Sunday evening in Nogueria when around 140 hectares burned. However, the most problematic fire began just before 1 am this morning in Ribas de Sil. This fire has reached the neighbouring town and smoke caused by the wind has even reached the capital, Lugo.
Help requested
Eight planes and 14 helicopters were mobilised. Help has also been requested from the Military Emergency Unit (UME).
According to the Regional Minister of Rural Affairs, José González, the fire is “clearly intentional”, based on the investigations carried out.
With a temperature of around 34 degrees, strong winds, as well as a “very high” humidity index, “whoever set” this fire and “made this mess” “knew perfectly well the damage being done” he continued.
“We have many media, brigades and fire trucks” working to control the fire. And that what is being tried now is to contain the perimeter of the fire, he stressed.
The Government Delegation in Galicia confirms the participation of the military from the León and Figueirido bases. This follows a request submitted by the Xunta de Galicia to Civil Protection of the Ministry of the Interior, in coordination with the Ministry of Defense.
Regarding the means deployed throughout today by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO), Brigades of Extinction Specialists (BRIF) have been deployed with their four transport helicopters. They have a 1,200-litre discharge capacity.
Also, four Canadair amphibious aircraft with a capacity of 5,500 litres have worked on the extinction. Three are from the Lavacolla base (A Coruña) and the other is from Matacán (Salamanca).
Posted on Twitter by one of our heroes, @DiariodeunBombero – the bomberos (firefighters). He tweets, “Another perspective of the fire of #IFRibasDeSil upon the arrival of #Brif Laza. The magnitude of it is appreciated when compared to the helicopter!
Otra perspectiva del incendio de #IFRibasDeSil a la llegada de #Brif Laza. Se aprecia la magnitud del mismo al compararlo con el helicóptero!
— Diario de un Bombero (@BrifLaza) September 7, 2021