Weather alert for northern Spain due to snow storm Barra

by Lorraine Williamson
storm Barra

WEATHER – The Spanish DGT urgently advises holidaying Spaniards to travel home earlier. The traffic service wants to prevent people from waiting until Wednesday before going home because storm Barra will cause extreme weather in Spain from Tuesday. 

As previously predicted, the Puente brought extreme weather in early December. The Aemet speaks of storm Barra, which will bring rain, snow, strong gusts – and therefore waves up to 9 metres high – from Tuesday. However, because many Spaniards are away for a long weekend, the DGT urgently advises to travel back home earlier. 

Weather alerts in Spain due to storm Barra 

The Aemet has been issuing several weather alerts since Monday, but these will become more serious in the coming days in the northern half of Spain and the Balearic Islands. 

A new cold front with a lot of wind, rain, and snow is expected from Tuesday, which can disrupt traffic considerably in the coming days. This is especially the case in the northern part of Spain. The condition on the motorways, but also on the highways, can deteriorate considerably these days and the DGT fears that several roads in Spain will not be passable. 

Snow and metres high waves from Wednesday 

From Wednesday, the cold front will move southward, causing significant downpours in several places in the south. In the northern regions of Spain, the Aemet gives off code yellow due to snowfall. The code yellow applies to the mountains in Cantabria and in the Pyrenees. Code orange applies to the entire north coast of Spain due to waves that can be up to 9 metres high. Code yellow is issued along the coast of Granada and Almeria due to strong winds. 

From Thursday, the coast along the Mediterranean Sea and especially the Balearic Islands will have to deal with strong gusts and storms. The Aemet, therefore, issues code yellow in these places. 

Early return trip 

The DGT, therefore, warns the Spaniards in the northern half of Spain not to wait until Wednesday to travel home. In addition to bringing the return journey forward, the DGT also advises not to take the road if it is not really necessary. In that case, it is better to wait until the weather becomes a bit more stable. 

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