WEATHER – A weather alert has been issued for 12 autonomous regions in Spain. The Puente de la Constitución starts in Spain with code yellow and orange due to snow, heavy rainfall, and gusts of wind up to 100 km/h. Furthermore, polar air makes for cold on the día de la Inmaculada.
The Spanish weather service, the AEMET, will issue code orange this Thursday in Aragon, Asturias, the Balearic Islands, Cantabria, Castile and León, and Catalonia. Snow, heavy rain, and strong winds are forecast for almost all of the regions mentioned. Code yellow is in effect in Galicia, Navarra, La Rioja, Valencia, Melilla and locally in Andalucia. For Andalucia, code yellow applies in Guadix y Baza due to snowfall. And, furthermore, a lot of wind is forecast in Granada and Almería.
Weather Alert on Thursday and Friday in Spain
In Asturias, Cantabria and León, up to 25 cm of snow could fall. And, in Burgos and in the mountains of Palencia, around 15 cm of snow is expected. Meanwhile, on Thursday, a lot of rain is expected, especially in the Balearic Islands. Locally, between 20 and 40 litres per square metre per hour can fall. Most rain is expected in Mallorca and Menorca.
On Friday, the extreme weather will move towards eastern Spain. The AEMET is issuing code orange in Aragon and Catalonia because of snowfall and in the Balearic Islands and Valencia because of strong gusts. Code yellow applies in almost the entire eastern part of Spain, and especially in the coastal areas along the Mediterranean Sea, due to extremely strong winds.
Icy cold from Thursday and Friday in northern and central Spain
On Thursday and Friday, the wind chill in the north and centre of Spain will be around freezing. Temperatures will only exceed 10 degrees on the Balearic Islands and along the coast in the south and southeast of Spain.
Cold and wet Puente de la Constitución en día de la Inmaculada
This weekend the Puente de la Constitución starts, the extended weekend. And thanks to the two official holidays many Spaniards visit their families or go on a short holiday. However, the cold temperatures will persist and on Saturday it will rain quite a bit in the whole of the north of Spain. And snow is expected in Northern Catalonia.
On Sunday, the rain will expand and precipitation and even storms are expected in northern and central Spain. This weather is currently forecast to last through día de la Inmaculada on Wednesday, December 8, according to AEMET forecasts. The wind chill will remain very low at least until next Wednesday.