It is perhaps the most important week of the year for Spaniards: Semana Santa or Holy Week. The week starts with Palm Sunday, this year on March 24, and ends on Easter Sunday on March 31. But what is actually celebrated and commemorated during these days?
For many, Semana Santa is a period of holiday and relaxation. However, it is also a week of celebrations and processions that commemorate the Biblical stories of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Each day of this Catholic tradition has a unique meaning.
Domingo de Ramos – Palm Sunday
Domingo de Ramos marks the beginning of Semana Santa. This day marks the triumphal entry of the Son of God into Jerusalem. On that day, Jesus was welcomed with palm and olive branches by the inhabitants of the holy city. This event is depicted in the processions that take place on this Palm Sunday. During the Catholic Mass on this day, believers can bring olive branches to commemorate this event. In addition, many people have decorated their balconies with palm branches.
Lunes Santo – Good Monday
This day commemorates Jesus driving out merchants from the temple of Jerusalem. Moreover, according to the Gospel, six days before Easter, Jesus went to the house of Lazarus, whom He had raised from the dead. During dinner, his sister Mary used an expensive oil to anoint Jesus’ head and feet.
Martes Santo – Good Tuesday
According to the Gospel, the Son of God predicts that one of his disciples will betray him. It is about Judas Iscariot, who would lead Him to the crucifixion. After that revelation, the disciples ask Jesus to point out the betrayer. Christ gives Judas a piece of bread and tells him, “Do what you have to do, do it quickly.” Later, Judas would betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.
Miércoles Santo – Good Wednesday
Judas makes a pact with the leaders who want to end Jesus’ life and betrays him. This day is a symbol of the contrast between Judas’ unfaithfulness and greed, versus Jesus’ message of love and sacrifice.
Jueves Santo – Maundy Thursday
This day commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus of Nazareth with his disciples. Moreover, it is the day on which Jesus instituted the Eucharist. It is also the day of prayer on the Mount of Olives in the Garden of Gethsemane. Later that day, Jesus would be arrested. The Maundy Thursday Mass focuses on the washing of the feet as a symbol of humility.
Viernes Santo – Good Friday
The moment and commemoration of Jesus’ death on the cross. A day marked by fasting and abstinence. The liturgy includes the Way of the Cross and the Passion of Christ until his death. No mass takes place on Good Friday, out of respect for the death of Jesus.
Sábado Santo – Holy Saturday
This Easter Saturday is all about silence and the meditation of the Easter Vigil. In the evening the Easter fire is lit, which refers to the light of Christ, which dispels the darkness. It also includes the blessing of fire, water, and the renewal of baptismal promises as a sign of connection with Christ.
Domingo de Resurrección – Easter Sunday
This is the most important moment for Catholics. Churches are richly decorated with flowers and believers come together. To celebrate hope and new life through the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. On this joyful day, special masses take place that celebrate the resurrection and the divine nature of Jesus.
Ceremonies and moments of reflection take place on every day of Semana Santa. The most important moments from the life of Jesus are brought back to life and commemorated during the associated, often impressive, processions, in masses and other rituals.
Also read: The weather in Spain during Semana Santa