Spain on the threshold of historic recognition of the Palestinian State

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Palestinian State

At a turbulent time in international politics, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez drew attention during a speech to the situation in Gaza and relations between Spain and Morocco.

This speech in the Congress of Deputies marks a crucial moment in Spanish foreign policy. Moreover, the background is formed by domestic political issues such as the Basque elections, the amnesty law and the Koldo case.

A look beyond the borders

Sánchez highlighted the instability and conflicts that dominate the international scene. He paid special attention to the tragic situation in Gaza. “The war there affects all countries in the region and constitutes a geopolitical reality that Europe cannot ignore,” Sánchez said. He stated that Spain is no longer a passive spectator on the world stage. The country is an active player, especially in issues concerning Ukraine, the Middle East and North Africa.

Strengthening ties with Morocco

The Prime Minister explained how Spain has strengthened its diplomatic and commercial relations with Morocco. As a result, the country is now Morocco’s most important trading partner. However, he acknowledged that this alone is not enough to tackle the threats. Therefore, the Prime Minister emphasised the need to reform Spain’s security and defense industry.

Cogesa Expats

Recognition of the Palestinian State

The most striking moment of his speech was the announcement that Spain is ready to recognise Palestine as a state. This move comes after Sánchez’s tour of Arab countries and just before his trip to Norway and Ireland to rally support for this recognition. “The international community cannot help Palestine if it does not recognise its existence,” Sánchez said. He emphasised the importance of diplomacy and peace in the pursuit of mutual recognition between Israel and Palestine.

Economic progress

At the end of his speech, Sánchez focused on the Spanish economy. He pointed out the strong employment figures and investments. “Spain is moving in the right direction, despite attempts by some to hide these facts,” he said.

Political reactions

Sánchez’s speech was followed by a session in Congress. Leaders of different parties explain their positions. Alberto Núñez Feijóo of the PP voiced his support for the two-state solution, while Santiago Abascal of Vox criticised the government’s foreign policy. Íñigo Errejón and Gabriel Rufián respectively emphasised the need to fight fascism and the urgency of the situation in Gaza.

Also read: Spaniards condemn Israeli offensive in Gaza

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