Sánchez ignores protests against amnesty law

by Lorraine Williamson
protests against amnesty law

MADRID – Pedro Sánchez, the leader of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE), does not seem to be distracted by the growing criticism from right-wing parties such as the PP and Vox. These parties organised a protest against the amnesty law which was attended by more than 50,000 people in Barcelona.

Despite the pressure, Sánchez remains focused on his goal: forming a majority that will not only make his investiture possible but also bring stability to the country.

Against the flow

The PSOE leader will commit to consultations this week with all parliamentary groups, except Vox. Meanwhile, PP leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo is calling for a “complete rejection” of any government dependent on separatist support. Feijóo argues that an amnesty law is unacceptable as a bargaining chip for a new government.

Protest from the right against amnesty law

The protests in Barcelona, organised by the civil society Sociedad Civil Catalana, had the slogan “Not in my name”. The participants criticised Sánchez for talking to independence parties about a possible amnesty law for those indicted in the Catalan independence process.

Unity within the PSOE

Despite internal criticism, especially from the PSOE’s ‘old guard’, the party is showing a united front. They point to the voters’ mandate as justification for their negotiations. And they argue that Spain needs a government that recognises diversity and pluralism.

Complex political landscape

Pedro Sánchez plans to hold personal talks with the parliamentary spokespersons of Junts, ERC, and EH Bildu. This shows that there is a normalisation of contacts with these political forces, which can be considered as progress compared to previous situations.

Defensive attitude

In a recent speech, Sánchez defended the possibility of an amnesty law as a way to overcome “the consequences of one of the worst territorial crises in the history of Spanish democracy.” According to Sánchez, the Spanish voters have spoken. Now it is up to the politicians to form a stable government.

Also read: Spanish parliament elects again: Feijóo loses his chance to become prime minister

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