Pedro Sánchez sworn in as Prime Minister of Spain

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prime minister

MADRID – Pedro Sánchez took his oath as the new Prime Minister of Spain on Friday before King Felipe VI at the Government Palace in Madrid. This ceremony followed his investiture in Congress the day before.

The Royal Family set the time for the swearing-in ceremony on Thursday. This was  after Congress President Francina Armengol informed the head of state of the outcome of the vote on Sánchez’s inauguration. It passed with an absolute majority of 179 votes (it is the first investiture with an absolute majority since 2011).​

No religious symbols

With his swearing-in, Sánchez is officially authorised to form a new coalition government between the PSOE and Sumar. Sánchez took the oath to the Spanish Constitution without the presence of religious symbols. This is in line with his previous swearing-in ceremonies in June 2018 and January 2020. The new Prime Minister pledged to be loyal to the king and to respect the Constitution. Furthermore, he added the word “ministras” (ministers, feminine) to his formula.

The oath

“I promise, on my conscience and honour, that I will faithfully discharge the obligations of the office of President of the Government, with loyalty to the King, and that I will uphold and protect the Constitution as a fundamental norm of the State, and will preserve the secrecy of the deliberations of the Council of Ministers,” the PSOE leader recited. Sánchez said these words after reading the royal appointment decree. The king signed this decree for publishing in the Official Gazette (BOE) on Friday.

Cogesa Expats

Special attendees at the ceremony

Several dignitaries attended the ceremony, including Justice Minister Pilar Llop, President of the Council for the Judiciary Vicente Guilarte, and the Presidents of Congress and the Senate.

New government in the making

After being sworn in, Sánchez is formally authorised to form a new coalition government. Although no names have been announced yet, the composition of his new cabinet is expected to be revealed in the coming days.

Also read: Pedro Sánchez’s commitments for his new term in government

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