DGT will fine you for trying to cheat the radars: up to €30,000

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DGT fines for blocking speed cameras

The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) is sanctioning drivers who try to evade the radar speed cameras. It is now a serious offence to evade them through the use of inhibitors or detectors. The DGT fines are substantial.

The DGT fines range from up to €6,000 for the driver and €30,000 for the workshop that installs them.

There are three types of devices designed to infer or locate the presence of radars. These are inhibitors, detectors and radar warning devices. The DGT has been reminding drivers for months that the use of radar warning devices is allowed and legal; however, detectors and inhibitors are totally prohibited.

Fines of €200 to €30,000

The use of radar inhibitors, which interfere with the correct functioning of the DGT’s surveillance systems, are totally prohibited. The inhibitors cancel the signal they emit, blocking their action and preventing them from being detected. It is considered a serious infraction. Using this device carries a penalty of €6,000 and the withdrawal of 6 points from the driving license. But be careful, you will also be fined for the simple fact of having it, even if you are not using it, with the same amount.

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Radar detectors involve a lower penalty than the previous one. It is €200 and the withdrawal of three points from the license. However, that does not mean that it is totally forbidden to use it or carry it in the vehicle. These devices are not capable of interfering with the operation of the radars, but they do warn the driver and detect their presence.

Finally, there is the radar warning devices of the navigators, commonly used by most drivers. They use a database with the location of fixed speed cameras, such as Google Maps or Waze, for their operation. In this case there is no prohibition or penalty associated with it.

But the hardest blow is not for the drivers. The workshops that install said illegal devices in any vehicle will receive a fine of €30,000.

DGT devices

To increase vigilance and be more precise in detecting speeding, the DGT has introduced several high-tech devices in recent years that will prevent drivers from blocking them.

Among the best known are: Pegasus, an aerial radar of military origin that the DGT began to install in its helicopters in 2013. It is composed of two cameras that work at the same time, the first is panoramic and follows the movement of the vehicle. The second camera has a telephoto lens to view the vehicle license plate.

Section radars are one of the most effective instruments in reducing speeding thanks to its image recognition device, taking the instantaneous speed of cars that pass by the exact point where it is installed.

Velolaser radars are similar to mobile radars but much smaller and lighter, thus allowing them to be held without problem with the palm of the hand and going unnoticed.

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