MALLORCA – Father of two, 35-year-old Tobias White-Sansom from Nottingham had gone on holiday to his brother´s villa in Mallorca. On Tuesday evening, accompanied by his girlfriend, they planned to party at the Boomerang nightclub in Magaluf.
As reported by UK newspaper, the Mirror, according to his billionaire brother, who was not there at the time, Tobias had seemingly gone back inside the nightclub to get his jersey but was told his belongings had been put away. Witnesses are said to have told the newspaper, the that one of the bouncers grabbed him from behind, and when Tobias resisted, 3 or 4 more bouncers joined in and beat him to the ground.
Handcuffed and beaten
Allegedly, “they handcuffed him and beat him very hard again” said brother, Maximillian. He continued by stating they then took him to another area and beat him again. All this time, he was seemingly restrained by handcuffs. The billionaire said, “they knelt on his head, his neck, beat him, took off his shoes and tried to break his toes. At the same time, they took off his jewellery and put it in his pocket”.
However, conflicting reports come from the Guardia Civil, and as reported by Mallorca Daily Bulletin. It is thought that initially, Tobias attempted to enter the nightclub without wearing a shirt. When he was refused entry, he allegedly became aggressive and had to be restrained by nightclub security. And, also by the Guardia Civil when they arrived on the scene.
Cocktail of drink and drugs
The Guardia’s homicide squad, who are in charge of the investigation, believe that he died because of an overdose due to a cocktail of alcohol and drugs.
Tobias was taken to the Llatzer Hospital in Palma and was in an induced coma. He died on Sunday, 5 days after the events at the Boomerang nightclub.
Maximillian White has seemingly already spent close to €1 million on his own investigation into the events that lead to the death of his brother. Maximillian is a billionaire who became rich after leading the medical cannabis business in the UK.
Also read: Two Dutch men arrested after shooting in Marbella nightclub