Striking collaboration Spain: Coalition agreement PP and VOX in Murcia

by Lorraine Williamson
PP and VOX

MURCIA – On Tuesday, PP (Partido Popular) and the far-right party Vox joined forces to form a coalition government in the Spanish region of Murcia. Furthermore, the coalition promises drastic changes. 

The focus will be on improving the condition of the Mar Menor, the largest saltwater lake in Europe that is under ecological pressure. The future of this ecologically sensitive salt lake that suffers from algae blooms and pollution is a hot topic in the region. 

PP and Vox want to jointly focus on improvement, although their approaches differ. Vox wants to sweep the current protection legislation off the table. However, the PP is more inclined to make adjustments that lead to better protection. 

Distribution of power 

The coalition government will consist of a maximum of eleven members. Vox will gain control of two important ministries: Home Affairs, Security and Emergency Situations, as well as Infrastructure. The party will also have a crucial role in monitoring transparency and protecting civil rights. 

Also read: The Economist: Vox is a far-right party that runs on racism 

Cogesa Expats

Education and social themes 

The coalition is also committed to making significant changes to the education system. The focus will be on eliminating ideology from classrooms and introducing annual assessments to measure students’ skills in math and reading comprehension. 

Both parties also plan to invest in family-friendly policies. This includes boosting birth rates and caring for the elderly, as well as tax cuts. 

Controversial points 

A point of contention remains the “pin parental”, a controversial parental consent that could influence the way sex education and other sensitive topics are covered in schools. The PP denies that this is explicitly stated in the agreement, while Vox claims that similar measures will be applied. 

The political impact 

This coalition agreement is seen as a historic milestone, not only for Murcia but also for the broader Spanish political landscape. Both parties see the cooperation as a way to bring stability and trust in a time of political division and social challenges. 

Also read: Vox and PP ban rainbow flags from Spanish city 

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