MADRID – The promotion of gender equality has gone so far that men themselves are now discriminated against. According to a recent study by the Centre for Sociological Research CIS, 44.1% of Spanish men think this.
It is striking that 32.5% of the women interviewed also share this view. This survey is the first monographic survey on “Perceptions of gender equality between men and women and gender stereotypes” published by CIS.
Gender differences in views
According to El Español, the survey shows that 67.2% of women believe that gender inequalities are “large or quite large.” This percentage drops to 48.2% among men surveyed. In addition, 81.2% of women believe that “they will not achieve gender equality unless men also commit to women’s rights.” This percentage is slightly lower for men, namely 74.2%.
Gender roles and caring responsibilities
Another notable aspect of the gender equality study is the division of care tasks. Women spend almost seven hours a day caring for their children. That’s almost double the time men spend on this. Specifically, women spend 412.25 minutes (6.7 hours) per day on this task, while men spend only about 228.88 minutes (3.7 hours) on child care.
When it comes to caring for dependents, the time commitment is similar, but women still spend more time (364.69 minutes, about 6 hours) compared to men, who spend about 314.11 minutes (about 5 hours) per day on this task.
Gender stereotypes
The research also points to the presence of gender stereotypes in society. According to 66.5% of Spaniards, viewing pornography is more associated with men than with women. Furthermore, 84.9% of respondents believe that paying for sexual services is more associated with men than women.
Also read: One in five young Hispanic men think gender-based violence doesn´t exist
While a significant percentage of men feel discriminated against by gender equality, women generally continue to believe that significant gender inequalities still exist. The report also highlights the unequal division of care tasks between men and women and the presence of gender stereotypes in society.