Andalucia introduces ‘zucchiolo’: unique blend of cucumber and zucchini

by Else BeekmanElse Beekman

Andalucia’s vegetable and fruit sector is unveiling something new: the zucchiolo. This new vegetable combines the best of cucumber and zucchini (courgette). The zucchiolo can be eaten raw or cooked and is cultivated in three colours.

The latest product in the realm of vegetables and fruits is the result of a collaboration between Beyond Seeds Biotech Group in Almería and South America, where the zucchiolo is known as ‘zapallito’. Weighing in at 250 grams, it stands out with its oval shape and striking colours: dark green, light green, and yellow. The yellow variety is a global first and is exclusively developed in Almería.

Andalucia as a pioneer

The zucchiolo is a combination of zucchini and cucumber and has a thin skin. The new crop stands out for both its appearance and versatile taste. The hybrid vegetable inherits properties from both, making it suitable for consumption both raw and cooked.

The new zucchiolo is entirely Andalucian and is a product of the Beyond Seeds Biotech Group. This biotechnology company comprises six different entities, one of which specialises in agricultural development.

Zucchiolo gains international popularity

In addition to successful cultivation in Andalucia, the team of biotechnologists from Almería has also optimised the cultivation process. The new zucchiolo not only sports a different, yellow, colour but can also be produced on a larger scale. Furthermore, the cultivation cycle is similar to that of zucchini and lasts about six weeks.

For the past few months, the zucchiolo has been finding its way to countries like Switzerland and Germany. Buyers from Latin America are also showing great interest. Furthermore, the zucchiolo has caught the attention of Spanish top chefs since culinary events like Madrid Fusión and Salón Gourmets.

Producers emphasise that the new vegetable is intended for everyday use. They hope that the new crop will secure a permanent place among other popular vegetables in Europe.

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