When food prices are high, watch out for this scam!

by Lorraine Williamson
fine fraud

For a number of reasons, food prices are very high at the moment. Therefore, everyone is looking for a way to save money, but without cutting essential nutrients. So when you receive an email offering money off your shopping, you jump at it! Right? Ignore this food scam!

Scammers are always looking at ways to attack the most vulnerable. This way their scams have more chance of working. However, they do also target busy people in the hope that they just click on the link without thinking.

Genuine offers

With food prices continuing to rise, this is a particularly sensitive scam where many people may be tricked into thinking it is true. Especially when it has been widely publicised that some supermarkets are doing somethin to help. For example, a supermarket in Andalucia is freezing the price of over 140 products in its stores until the end of the year.

Also some Spanish ministers are campaigning for a healthy shopping basket option to be available in supermarkets at a fixed low price.

Food scam

If you receive an email similar to the one below, take a minute to think before clicking on that link! Check out the sender´s email address. Does it look authentic. You can see by the example below, that it doesn´t come from Mercadona.

Fake offer

The email is offering its clients a €90 reward voucher. It goes on to say that you have been chosen to participate in their loyalty programme free of charge. Ask yourself, when did you give your email address to Mercadona? If you didn´t, then delete the message.

Also read: Food banks in Spain with longer queues and fewer donations

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