Spanish workers are overqualified

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Spanish overqualified for their jobs

MADRID: Spain leads EU countries in terms of overqualified employees. Many graduates find it difficult to find suitable work in Spain. Age, gender and origin are factors that make the situation even more serious. 

 Spain heads the EU countries when it comes to overqualification. At the end of Januarythe Spanish news site wrote that no fewer than 37% of Spaniards are over-educated for the position they currently have. Spain has one of the highest number of graduates in the EU, but is equally the country where talent is least used. 

Spain exceeds European average 

These conclusions are drawn after analysis of the data in 2019 by Eurostatthe EU’s Directorate-General. On average, 21% of workers in all EU countries are over-educated. In 2009, this was 33% in Spain, with the situation worsening in the last ten years. 

Age, gender and origin are determining factors in Spain 

This situation is not the same for all population groups in Spain. Age, gender and origin are determining factors, with immigrant employees in a worse position than those of Spanish descent. Half the foreign workers from other EU countries residing in Spain are over-educated for their position. For foreigners coming from outside the EU, this percentage is more than 66%. 

Cogesa Expats

Women in Spain are also more likely to be overqualified with 41% undervalued.  A similar position  exists for the younger generation with around 40% under-utilised. 

Most degree holders are overqualified

The higher the qualification, the more likely the employee is overqualified for their current job. About 60% of people with a secondary vocational diploma do not have a suitable job. This percentage rises to 80% for employees with a university degree. 

European Commission warned of disparity 

The European Commission warned in 2020 of a significant mismatch between education and job level in various countries, especially among younger workers.

The EC pointed out, among other thingsthe lack of coordination between education and the labour market. Countries such as Spain are also said to under-invest in innovation, automation and digital development. 

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