Spain ended 2022 on a positive note for Spanish wine exports with record sales of €2.98 billion. Despite losing 9% in volume (by 2.09 billion litres), the total value is almost 90 million more than in 2021. That amounts to 3.1% growth and is the highest amount in history.
These are windfall figures at a time marked by high inflation and high commercial uncertainty. More money was shipped abroad, although 213 million litres less wine was exported from Spain than in 2021. Since February 2021, Spanish wine export turnover fell only in the months of March 2022 (-23.6%) and November 2022 (-1.8%). In the other months, exports increased. Consequently, Spain posted record sales for the whole year, although it just missed the €3 billion mark.
Data by product and market
The value of exports of bottled wines without DOP appellation of origin rose by 6%, or €25.9 million. Exports of sparkling rose by €24.2 million, representing 5% growth. More Spanish Bag in Box wines were also exported, the value of exports increased by €8.4 million. The volume of non-sparkling wine exports fell 10.5%, down 77.6 million litres.
Rise and fall of bottled wine buyers
In monetary terms, the United States, with €258.1 million (+11%), was the main outlet for bottled Spanish wines. This was followed by the UK with €238.6 million (-17%). Germany was in third place, with €182.9 million, down 9%. Revenues fell from China, (-35% in value) and Canada (-3%). However, the increase from Mexico was positive (+41% by value). Exports to Mexico in volume also increased, by 33%.
Bulk wines
Bulk wines – in containers of more than 10 litres – did well in monetary terms, the figures show. Exports rose 12% in euros, representing a turnover increase of €55.8 million. The volume of exports fell by 11%. Exports to Italy, Germany, Portugal and France fell the most in volume in 2022. In total, even by 111.4 million litres. The four countries still accounted for 77% of the total volume. In this, France was the biggest buyer, buying 327.4 million litres. France and Germany increased their spending on Spanish bulk wine the most. In France, spending rose by €30 million, in Germany by €19.5 million. Also notable were the figures for bulk exports to Morocco (up 9.2 million litres) and the UK (+7.5 million litres).