Secret behind international success of Teruel airport

by Else BeekmanElse Beekman
Teruel airport

In one of the most uninhabited places in Europe, Teruel airport is breaking all records since the corona pandemic. This small airport plays a major role for aviation and needs to expand due to its success.

Teruel airport today is one of the most desirable places in Europe for airlines. The airport is where aircraft are temporarily stored or repaired while waiting for a new destination. Where other airports strive for records by carrying the most passengers or having the most international routes, Teruel airport achieves success in a different way.

Spanish airport is bursting at the seams

For seven years now, Teruel Airport has served the purpose of temporarily storing or repairing aircraft. Since the pandemic, demand has increased by 50%, leaving little room for new aircraft. With aircraft having to stay on the ground longer while waiting for routes to open, there is also more time to carry out maintenance or repairs.

Commercial air traffic has fallen significantly with aircraft stored for longer. And for an airport that meets this need, it is now encountering capacity problems.

Airport in “empty Spain” needs to expand

This means that the airport is in need of expansion. The airport needs more capacity for an expected growth in the near future. This is why the director of the airport in Teruel says they are already in the planning process. The plans are in discussion with the regional council of Aragón.

Expansion plans on the table

The plans are to expand the airport by 195 hectares towards the south. The expansion plans will cost about €45million and provide additional storage places for 240 aircraft; doubling the capacity for the next ten years.

The big unknown in this story is whether the new estimated capacity will be sufficient. In addition to these extra places, three new logistics warehouses will be built and a new warehouse for painting the vehicles. The regional administration of Aragón is positive about these expansion plans. The creation of 200 new jobs contributing to the positivity.

History of Teruel airport success story

From 1954 to 1992, Teruel airport was a military airfield. Subsequently, the airport had an industrial purpose until 2013. It was then the idea took shape to use it for the temporary storage, repair and maintenance of aircraft.

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