Key figures wanted in the International Community of Marbella

by Lorraine Williamson
International Community Marbella


MARBELLA To better connect the more than 140 nationalities living in and around Marbella, the United Nationalities Marbella Summit 2023 will be organised next April. Every year the Summit serves a different purpose and involves the International Community of Marbella.

In order to properly define this goal and its sub-goals, several key figures, clubs, associations and companies will again this year come together at the preparatory event ‘Community Gathering UNMS2022. Here, they will discuss issues identified as the most important during the year common among international residents. 

The International Community of Marbella

There are always a few central themes covered at these events. These range from;

  • activities for young people and places to meet
  • suicide prevention
  • safety
  • homeless and other vulnerable people
  • homes
  • jobs
  • environmental issues
  • road safety

The idea is to promote these themes and activities throughout the year. 


The aim of the major public event United Nationalities Marbella Summit 2023 in April next year (the exact date to follow) is to connect the companies, charities and individuals most affected by and interested in these important topics to raise awareness. In addition, the participation of a range of key players in the international community can provide support or create appropriate partnerships to best serve mutual objectives. 

More efficient communication and information channels 

During the Community Gathering #UNMS2022 on November 24th, the aim will be to find out how the 140+ nationalities registered in Marbella can not only be better informed but also better communicate with each other on important topics. Whether for emergencies or other needs. That is why existing but impartial collectives of different nationalities come together that know and can best represent the interests of the international residents and visitors of Marbella and the surrounding area. 

Establishing certain ‘pillars of reference’ would thus not only increase the reach for making new contacts to share information but also provide the international community with reliable information and good guidance on life in Marbella. After all, a part of them is new and does not know the ins and outs of their new residence. Ultimately, everyone in the community benefits. 

Participants of the Community Gathering UNMS2022 

Participants in the United Nationalities Marbella Summit Community Gathering on November 24th include representatives of the Municipality of Marbella, people from the Chambers of Commerce, various consulates, media (online news platforms, newspapers, magazines, radio and television channels), social associations, business clubs, businesses and charities that help expats live a successful life on the Costa del Sol. 

This year, UNMS2022 specifically welcomes experts in the fields of media, communications, real estate, long-term rental, healthcare, wellbeing, legal, financial, tax, education, employment, sports, activities, security, as well as associations and charities that help expats build their networks. to build. 

Invitation to the community gathering UNMS2022 

Are you reading this and do you as a company, radio station, newspaper, magazine, website, charity, (sports) association, club or otherwise feel called upon to lay the foundation for a “Costa Communication Network” (CCN), to be part of it? to achieve the above objectives? Then come to The Harbour Restaurant in Puerto Deportivo in Marbella on Thursday 24 November. There, the preparatory event for the #UNMS2023 will take place from 11.00 am to 12.30 pm. Then, the subsequent VIP network lunch will be from 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm. (Lunch costs €30 for a two-course meal, wine/water). Book now, as places are limited. 

Sponsors wanted for big Open Day UNMS2023 in April 

The organisation is still looking for sponsors for the big Open Day in April UNMS2023. All UNMS2023 sponsors will be included in this year’s preparatory event if confirmed before November 10. Be part of the International Community of Marbella, and join us on November 24. Reservations for the event can be made with initiator Nicole King of Marbella Now TV: Tel. 610 700 617 or 

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