Illegal dog and cat breeding farm dismantled in Tenerife

by Lorraine Williamson
illegal breeding farm

PROVINCIA DE SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE – Police in the Canary Islands have dismantled an illegal animal breeding farm in Tenerife. 54 dogs and 11 cats were rescued during the operation. Two people are currently being investigated on suspicion of animal abuse and neglect. 

According to the Environmental Division of the General Police Service in the Canary Islands, the suspects used the animals for breeding purposes. They sold the puppies and kittens not only in Spain but also in other parts of Europe. Most of the animals were from breeds that fetch a lot of money on the market, such as the Sphynx cat and the Afghan hound. 

Disturbing circumstances 

Furthermore, the farm was not licensed and the animals showed signs of malnutrition. In addition, some suffered from diseases such as leishmaniasis and showed physical injuries. There was also a lack of identification and vaccination of the animals. 

Unsuitable housing 

Police reported that the animals’ housing did not meet legal animal welfare standards. The facilities were unsanitary and not in accordance with the Animal Rights Protection and Welfare Act. 

Legal steps 

The authorities are taking this case seriously and the suspects can expect significant penalties. The animals have been seized and are now receiving proper care and treatment. They will be rehomed with certified breeders or adoption centres. 

This incident casts a shadow over the already worrying trend of animal abuse and neglect in Spain. There are calls for stricter controls on animal farms and the pet trade. The police therefore call on the public to be alert and report suspicious situations. The case is still under investigation. 

Also read: Spain´s new Animal Welfare Law would encourage black market 

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