Carrefour Spain upsets the agricultural sector with strawberry price stunt

by Else BeekmanElse Beekman
Carrefour price stunt backfires

The agricultural organisation UPA has sharply criticised a sales campaign by Carrefour. On February 26, strawberries were offered for €2 per kilo. That price is below the production costs.

Strawberries price promotion at Carrefour

This promotion of dirt-cheap strawberries coincides with the national farmers’ protests. Farmers and livestock farmers demand, among other things, fair prices at the source. They also speak out against speculation with agricultural and livestock products. UPA-Huelva considers Carrefour’s “Super Price” offer as a disrespect and an insult to the sector. They took to the streets to demand fair prices and compliance with the Food Chain Act, while at the same time they have to deal with market speculation by large multinationals such as Carrefour.

Campaign in response

In response to Carrefour’s sales strategy for this season, UPA-Huelva warns that protests will follow at Carrefour supermarkets. With the “Super Arruinados” (super ruined) campaign, the organisation wants to warn society about the supermarket chain that devalues the prices of agricultural and livestock products. There is great frustration within the sector about the price war. This undermines the value of high-quality, healthy and sustainable products.

Supervision of products from third countries

In addition, the organisation monitors strawberries and other products from third countries sold under Huelva brands. UPA-Huelva remains vigilant about compliance with European regulations for these products. The organisation will also take action in the event of any violations.

Also read: Spain reprimanded for labour exploitation in Andalucian strawberry cultivation

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