MADRID – Starting next week, wearing a face mask outdoors in Spain will no longer be …
On January 27, the corona incidence fell for the fourth consecutive day in Spain. The number of infections and deaths is still high, but there is light …
MADRID – Morocco’s airspace will be accessible again on February 7. From November 29, no regular …
MADRID – After several countries in the world already talked about a second booster shot in December, Spain announced on January 13 it would …
The tourism industry in Spain has pinned all hopes for a normal Semana Santa celebration in 2022. After being cancelled two years in a row, this year´s celebration …
MADRID – The Spanish commission for medicine prices (CIPM) has unanimously decided that the maximum selling …
By RegionCovidHealth & LifestyleNews
Staff shortages in Spanish health care due to corona infections
byElse Beekman
MADRID – Spanish regions warn of staff shortages as infections continue to increase. Infected workers have …
MADRID – Spain marks the seventh consecutive day with a record increase in numbers of Covid …
MADRID – Today (Wednesday, December 29) the Spanish government will decide whether to reduce the quarantine …
CATALONIA – After the approval of the highest court, a curfew is now in effect in the Catalonia region. Therefore, in the most populous municipalities …