Spanish government approves transgender law

by Lorraine Williamson
Gay pride and transgender pride flags

The Spanish government will approve the Ley Trans concerning the rights of transgender and LGTBI persons in the Council of Ministers on Monday 27 June. Sources from the Ministry of Equality confirmed this to the news website Europa Press.  

The same sources point out that the text that is now entering the discussion phase is the most feasible improvement on the original legislative text. The law maintains the recognised fundamental rights for the group of LGTBI individuals. Moreover, the first bill was approved a year ago. The text will be approved by the government in the second round, on the eve of the International Day of LGTBI Pride (Fiestas del Orgullo LGTBIQA+) in Madrid on 28 June.  

Grumbles from different corners 

However, the bill has triggered several debates in Spain on the self-determination of transgender people based on their gender. This has led to disagreement between the governing parties PSOE and Unidas Podemos. Moreover, the text has been rejected by a number of feminists who consider it an attack on women’s rights.  

Cogesa Expats

Amendment to the civil status register 

In particular, the text will allow a change of gender to be made in the civil status registers. This can be done without the person concerned having to provide a medical or clinical psychological report recognising ‘gender dysphoria’ – the dissatisfaction and feeling of unease with one’s biological sex, as is currently required. From now on, it will suffice to request the change in writing, without the need to provide evidence or witnesses. Furthermore, the request will be confirmed within three months.  

Danger for Spaniards? 

One of the most critical politicians of this initiative was the former vice-president of the government, the socialist Carmen Calvo. While he was still in office, he warned that this measure could represent a ‘danger to 47 million’ Spaniards. The Ministry of Equality has also been critical of the attitude of the General Council of the Magistracy (CGPJ) to this text, especially the failure to respect the deadlines for the submission of the mandatory report. Finally, this judicial body has positively assessed self-determination. However, not from the age of 16, as proposed in the law, but from the age of 18. 

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