MADRID – A European operation was led from Madrid, resulting in 330 arrests, 37 new investigations into organised crime, and seizure of weapons and drugs. The EU makes a statement that trafficking in drugs, weapons, and people will be tackled jointly.
The Intelligence Centre against Terrorism and Organised Crime (CITCO) of the Ministry of the Interior in Spain coordinated this operation. And, as such, it took place between 15 and 18 September 2021. The operation is part of Europe’s 2021 Operational Action Plan. And was supported by Europol involving 11,000 agents from 27 countries. were involved.
EU makes joint statement against organised crime
Other organisations such as Eurojust, Frontex, and Interpol also contributed to this operation, which mainly focuses on organised crime in southern European countries. Moreover, the aim is to combat these illegal activities. But also to make a joint statement as the European Union that organised crime is tackled in a coordinated.
Result of three-day European operation
During the operation, which took place in mid-September, 22,600 vehicles and 33,000 people were checked. Furthermore, 700 houses were searched, and eventually, 330 people were arrested. Officers seized 154 firearms, 57 hand grenades and explosives, over 2,000 bullets, 719 kilograms of cannabis, and 920 marijuana plants.
Furthermore, the operation was coordinated from Madrid. More precisely from the control centre of the international organisation Europol. Consequently, a multidisciplinary team was appointed on behalf of Spain. This consisted of agents from the Policía Nacional, the Guardia Civil, customs officers from the Tax Office, agents from the Mossos d’Esquadra, and Spanish representatives from Europol.