MADRID – The Spanish weather service AEMET warns of sharp weather changes during the long weekend that started yesterday with the Fiesta Nacional de España holiday. The service even speaks of a ‘rain train’.
This can be very welcome after a period of unusually high temperatures, clear skies and especially drought. Even though the first half of October is almost over, most of Spain is still immersed in beautiful summer weather. Spaniards also refer to this with the word ‘veroño’, a combination of the words ‘verano’, summer and ‘otoño’, autumn.
The ‘Puente’ also started with stable weather. In some parts of Spain, temperatures even rose to 30 degrees again. This was especially in Andalucia, the Ebro River valley and Extremadura.
Two storms
However, the nice weather is going to change due to two storms. One storm will be located near the Azores and will move towards the Iberian Peninsula. The other will form in the south of the country in the coming days.
Friday is the key day. Temperatures drop significantly in the west and north, thanks to the Azores storm. It will be the first rainy day of October. And yes, it is getting colder. But this mainly applies to the northwest of Spain, the regions of Galicia, Asturias and Cantabria on Friday.
Weekend: Autumn in full swing
Over the weekend, the AEMET predicts a sharp drop in temperatures. This will bring more autumn-like weather. Rain will reach most of the country, which will have an impact on any planned outdoor activities. The temperature drop, however, will not reach the Spanish east coast, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands on Saturday.
It will rain almost everywhere in the country on Sunday. The outlook for the coming week is not very different: several fronts seem to follow each other. What the effects of this will be on different regions in Spain will become clear in the coming days.
Warning of strong winds
In addition to rain and falling temperatures, AEMET also warns of strong winds, especially in coastal areas. This combination can create dangerous situations for both traffic and outdoor activities. Therefore, be prepared and adjust your weekend plans as necessary. Autumn now really seems to be arriving in Spain.
Urgently need water
Many in Spain will be happy with this news. Water resources across the country are at just 35.3% of capacity. According to information from, some regions are in very poor shape in terms of water resources. These are: Andalucia with 19.95% of capacity, Cantabria (23.83%), Murcia (27%), La Rioja (28.34%), and Castilla-La Mancha (28.54%).