New form of robberies in Barcelona

by admin
car park robberies

BARCELONA – The Guardia Urbana has warned the residents of Barcelona about a form of theft that is becoming increasingly popular. The so-called ‘collita’ method appears to be as simple as it is effective for emptying cars.

We may all think it won’t happen to us, yet Barcelona is seeing an increasing number of thefts via ‘la collita’, the harvest. To ‘harvest’ criminals use the new ‘collita’ method. This consists of distracting and robbing people in a car park when they go to their car.

The municipal service has explained via X (former Twitter) how the method works. In addition, Barcelona’s Guardia Urbana has asked citizens to be alert to avoid becoming victims of this type of crime.

Cogesa Expats

How does the ‘collita’ method work?

The thieves usually work in groups of three and follow the victim to a car park. There they speak to the person in question when he or she has unlocked the car and is about to get in. One member of the team then provides distraction with noise, for example by dropping something on the floor. The victim is distracted by the noise, looks away from the car and follows the thief to return the item he ‘dropped’. At that moment, the second member of the team steals everything he can find in the car. The third member usually waits in another car to drive away as quickly as possible once the robbery is over.

How can you prevent robberies?

The police have given a number of advice to prevent these types of robberies:

  • Pay attention to your surroundings and unusual movements
  • Don’t speak to strangers
  • Always keep a close eye on your personal belongings
  • Report any attempted robbery to 112

Also read: The ‘Topolino’: a tool with which thieves in Spain can open almost all doors

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