Most autonomous regions ignore government corona traffic light

by Lorraine Williamson
traffic light system ignored in some regions

MADRID – In principle, the autonomous regions in Spain are free to determine how they deal with the corona prevention measures. However, only five regions are following the traffic light recommendations drawn up by the Commission for Public Health. 

These are the two archipelagos, Cantabria, Extremadura and Murcia. The other regions have a more flexible catering policy. This is with regard to the permitted number of guests and the maximum occupancy per table. However, this is not considered serious violations of the recommended guidelines. And for the most part involves two more people inside, four more on the terrace and a maximum capacity that is 25% higher. 

No region in highest risk of traffic light system

The government makes the recommendations for the measures based on the so-called traffic light . These indicate the risk phase a region is in. These risk stages range from “very high”, to “high”, “moderate” and “low”. No region is currently in a ‘very high’ risk phase. However, according to the latest figures, only the Rioja and Andalucia region now has a ‘high’ risk phase. Whereas in the Basque Country, the risk is now ‘moderate’. This is the phase in which Asturias, the two Castiles, Madrid, Aragon, Catalonia and Navarre are also located. Furthermore, the regions of Galicia, Cantabria, Extremadura, Murcia, Valencia and the two archipelagos are now among the lowest risk phases. 

Madrid keeps nightlife closed 

The Madrid region has been the most vehemently opposed to the government’s corona policy throughout the pandemic. However, it is now complying with virtually all agreements made by the central government. Even the nightlife remains locked, while it would be allowed to open it. The region now only ignores the recommended maximum party size per table (eight people instead of six) and uses a maximum indoor occupancy of 50 instead of 33%. 

The Castile la Mancha regional council, on the other hand, allows a group of ten people per table, both indoors and outdoors, and has a maximum occupancy of 75% inside and 100% outside. A government spokesperson substantiated this decision with the favorable epidemiological progress in the region, where 89 people per 100 thousand inhabitants are now infected with the corona virus. 

Number of infections in Andalucia up since the beginning of May 

Andalucia has its own traffic light that is less strict than that of the government. For example, here too the group size per table is larger. For the corona policy, the regional board is guided by the judgment of its own experts and applies this per part of the region. Since the state of alert was lifted on May 9, the number of infections in Andalucia has risen again to 188.2 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants. 

The district council of Murcia uses stricter rules than those recommended by the government’s traffic light. Here, six people can sit together at a table on the terrace, while according to the traffic light, this can be a maximum of ten.

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