Mallorca student outbreak becomes ‘super outbreak’

by Lorraine Williamson
super outbreak Mallorca

PALMA – An outbreak among students partying in Mallorca has now become a ‘super outbreak’. The number of young people who tested positive in the last three days has tripled. Furthermore, the regional government of the Balearic Islands has placed more than 200 people in quarantine pending the PCR result. 

Last Thursday, various regional authorities from four Spanish regions reported a total of 344 young people tested positive following a holiday in Mallorca. As a result, hundreds of families in Spain were therefore in quarantine. 

Half of young people tested in Madrid are positive

On Sunday evening, the virus appeared to have spread among 900 young people in eight Spanish regions. However, Madrid appears to be the region where most students have come from. 410 corona cases are known here, which is about half the number of youngsters who celebrated on the Spanish island. 

Super outbreak

The region of Valencia reports 67 positive cases and Catalonia currently has 64. In recent days, Murcia, Castile-La Mancha, Galicia, the Basque Country and Aragón have also reported dozens of cases. These students celebrated their university entrance in Mallorca and on return home, tested positive.

Reggaeton party Palma contamination source 

Sources from the Balearic Islands government report that a reggaeton party took place in various bars on the Plaza de Toros in Palma de Mallorca and on boats and hotels in Palma. Futhermore, it is most likely these places will be identified as the source of contamination. 

More than two hundred young people in quarantine in hotels in Mallorca 

Since it became known that so many young people were infected on this evening, the regional government of the Balearic Islands is doing everything it can to trace the young people. From Friday, the regional government has quarantined 78 young people at the Palma Bellver hotel in Palma. 33 of them have now tested positive. And as a precaution, 9 young people have been transferred to the nearby Son Espases hospital for medical care. 

Parents and young people have no idea what’s going to happen 

The regional government has asked the parents of 190 other young people for permission to transfer them to this hotel. The Palma Bellver is specially equipped to receive people who have tested positive and to place people in quarantine pending the test results. 

The Spanish news site reports that the parents of these students are very dissatisfied with the communication about their child. The young people also report on social media that communication is very slow and that there is little clarity about when they can go home. 

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