Water reserves in Catalonia have increased significantly after welcome rain during Easter week. Months of drought left the region in a precarious situation with water restrictions for dozens of municipalities. However, Storm Nelson turned the tide across the entire Catalan territory, including a significant amount of snow in the Catalan Pyrenees.
On February 1, the Catalan government declared a drought emergency after water reserves fell below the critical limit of 100 hm³. However, recent rain has provided a glimmer of hope. According to the latest data from the Catalan Water Agency (Agència Catalana de l’Aigua), internal water reserves increased to 17.50% of their capacity on Sunday, April 7. This amounts to a reserve of 110.90 hm³.
For more detailed information on the condition of the main reservoirs in Catalonia, such as Darnius Boadella, Sau, Susqueda, La Baells, La Llosa del Cavall, and Sant Ponç, refer to the data provided by the Agència Catalana de l’Aigua.
Drought as a challenge for the Catalan economy
Despite the recent rain, drought poses a significant challenge for Catalonia in 2024. Urgent and long-term measures are needed to ensure water availability and minimise the impact on the economy and society. Public-private partnerships and consultation with the private sector are considered essential for finding effective and sustainable solutions.
This is evident from a recent survey conducted by the Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya (CEC). This highlights the serious consequences of the current drought for the Catalan economy. According to this study, an overwhelming majority of 95.3% of professionals surveyed consider the drought a significant obstacle to economic development in Catalonia in 2024. The drought is seen as the biggest current problem. This puts it above fiscal deficits and political situations with 42.7% of the votes.
Gloomy expectations
Expectations are gloomy: 57% of respondents predict a very high impact of the drought on the Catalan economy. This impact will be particularly high on agri-food, tourism and industry. This can lead to tensions and conflicts over water use. To tackle this crisis, both water restrictions and infrastructure investments are proposed. This includes desalination plants, efficient irrigation systems and water regeneration.
Also read: What about the desalination plants in Spain?