In these Spanish regions you earn the most and the least

by Lorraine Williamson
highest and lowest salaries

The National Institute of Statistics (INE) has published its salary survey, which shows in which autonomous communities people earn the most and the least. 

The  (INE) has published the results of its annual salary structure survey for the year 2021. The data have been broken down to shed light on the different salary perceptions of Spaniards based on their gender, economic activity, function, working day or age. 

The average salary in Spain increased by 2.9%, reaching €25,897 in 2021. The increase is similar to that of consumer prices in the same year (3.1%). However, there are more workers earning less than this average salary than those earning more than average. The most common salary in Spain was €18,500 a year. Moreover, the differences are significant. 

Where do you earn the most? 

Basque Country (€31,063.68), the Autonomous Community of Madrid (€29,512.58), the Autonomous Community of Navarre (€28,459.37) and Catalonia (€28,459.37) were the autonomous communities with the highest average salaries in 2021. 

Cogesa Expats

In the Basque Country, workers earned an average of €9,670.67 more than in Extremadura, the region with the lowest average salary (€21,393.01). Also at the bottom of the index are the Canary Islands (€22,466.23) and Andalucia (€23,154.99). 

In these areas wages rose the least 

The INE report also includes the annual differences compared to the previous

year. It shows that Extremadura and Cantabria saw the highest increases in the whole of Spain (4.5% and 4.2% respectively). Whereas, in contrast, the Balearic Islands and Murcia recorded a small change, of 1.1% and 1.6% respectively. 

Also read: Spain has the highest percentage of overqualified workers in the EU

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