In these Spanish cities you pay the least and the most for a menu del dia

by Lorraine Williamson
menu del dia

Enjoying a menu del día is a fairly common custom in Spain. Especially for people who work outside the home and have little time during the workday. Ideal for filling their stomachs before continuing with their tasks.

A study, carried out by Edenred and Hostelería España in 2023, shows in detail in which cities it is more expensive to eat this type of menu in Spain. But also how the daily menu has progressively increased in price since 2016. The main aim of the study is to show how the price of the daily menu in Spain has changed over the years.

The price of menus has gradually increased since 2016, costing an average of €11.7 that year, to rise to €12.8 in 2022 and finally €13.20 in 2023. It is striking that a large part of the restaurants did not increase the price of their menus last year.

Cogesa Expats

Most expensive and cheapest cities

According to the survey, Barcelona is the city where it will pay you the most for a daily menu with an average price of €14.7. Madrid comes right behind the Catalan city with €14.5. Bilbao comes in third place with rounded €14. At the other end of the spectrum, the cheapest cities are Valencia with €12.7, Seville with €12.3 and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria with €11.9.

Gradual increase in the price of the menu del dia

The price of the daily menu has gradually increased since 2016. It cost an average of €11.7 that year, before rising to €12.8 in 2022. In 2023, it ended up costing €13.20 . The survey further shows that of the approximately 1,400 restaurants that participated in the survey, 24% indicated that they had not increased their prices. This was convenient for many Spaniards, especially after the difficult post-pandemic situation of the coronavirus.

However, 76% of respondents did raise prices. Of these businesses, 26.5% indicated that they had increased their menu prices by up to 5%. 30.8% between 6 and 1 0%. 10.1% raised prices by 11-15% and finally 8.7% by 15-30%. The figures point to a trend that is becoming more and more common in Spain.

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