MALLORCA – Medical history was made in a private clinic in the Balearic Islands with the birth of Derek, a 3.3 kilo baby born on Monday, October 30. This event marks the first time in Europe that a baby has been carried by two women.
The proud mothers, Azahara and Estefanía, used an advanced reproduction technique called INVOcell. This is available at the Juaneda Miramar private hospital in Palma. The INVOcell technique acts as a small incubator that, unlike conventional laboratory incubators, is placed under the cervix of one of the two women. This ensures that the early stages of embryo development take place within the body, rather than in a laboratory. After this initial phase, the embryo is transferred to the uterus of the other woman. As a result, both mothers make a physical contribution to the pregnancy.
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The cost of a dream
The INVOcell process is estimated at approximately €6,000. It is similar to in vitro fertilisation (IVF). However, it offers unique emotional value because both women are part of the pregnancy process. The success of this process, carried out by the Juaneda Fertility team, makes the hospital the first in Europe to realise this special form of assisted reproduction.
Spain as a forerunner in reproductive medicine
The pregnancy, which started in March 2023, was successfully completed nine months later. The emotional value of this process is emphasised by the fact that both women shared the pregnancy of the embryo. The process was led by Felipe Gallego, director of the laboratory, and gynecologists Gustavo Carti and Miriam Mateos. With this historic birth in Spain, the country positions itself as a forerunner in reproductive medicine and underlines the progress made in equality and inclusivity in family planning.