MADRID – After a serious cyber attack, the Spanish airline Air Europa has sent a warning to its customers.
The airline reports that the bank details of some customers may have been compromised and advises those affected to cancel their credit cards.
Unauthorised access to payment information
According to an official message from the airline, there may have been “unauthorised access to bank details”. This concerns sensitive information such as the credit card number, expiration date, and CVV code.
Authorities informed
Air Europa has reported the cybersecurity incident to the competent authorities. The infringement is said to have specifically targeted the payment platform used for ticket purchases via the company’s website.
No known fraud cases
Despite the serious nature of the breach, according to Air Europa, there is (yet) “no evidence that the leaked information has been used for fraudulent purposes”. The company emphasises that the rapid response of its security team helped prevent further data breaches.
The airline praised the “quick intervention of the team” and following established protocols in their response plan. This helped close the security breach and prevent further leaks.
Research is still ongoing
Air Europa reports that the investigation into the cyber attack and its origins is still ongoing. We are also looking at how the stolen information may have been used, although there have been no known cases of fraud so far.
If you have recently used Air Europa’s services, it is advisable to cancel your credit card and keep a close eye on your bank statements.
Have you been affected by this cyber attack? Please contact your bank as soon as possible and follow Air Europa’s recommendations.
Also read: Pro-Russian hackers attack Spanish state institutions and media