Valencia Region launches sustainable tourism awareness campaign

by Lorraine Williamson
sustainable tourism

Turisme Comunitat Valenciana has launched a new awareness campaign aimed at efficiency of water. With the motto Actitud sostenible (Sustainable Attitude), the aim of the campaign is to “launch a message of awareness about responsible and sustainable tourism that leaves no trace in the environment”.

Councillor for Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism, Nuria Montes, indicated that “the intention is to show that the commitment to sustainable and responsible tourism is already a reality in our destinations”. She emphasised that this new awareness campaign is part of the general campaign of the Comunitat Valenciana: Actitud Mediterraneo (Mediterranean attitude). The goal is to raise awareness so that people use water responsibly.”

According to Montes, there are already many examples of good practices in the use of water in the Valencia region. These are supported by the data in tourist places such as Benidorm, on our beaches and on the golf courses. She also stressed that “hotels and the tourism sector are a very good example of how water-saving measures are being applied in the private sector.

Cogesa Expats

What does the campaign consist of?

The new campaign consists of two spots of 30 and 70 seconds, both in Valencian and Spanish. They are broadcast on television and social networks. The investments in the campaign amount to just over €300,000.

The spots will be broadcast some 800 times on the main national channels at regional level. They emphasise the need for sustainable and responsible tourism. And show examples of this. Like Benidorm, for example, which is a good example of sustainability. A QR code redirects the reader to the tourism portal of the Comunitat Valenciana for more information. Among other things, more sustainability actions are described there.

The online environment is also used, and there is a wide distribution on social networks. In addition, the existing newsletter to subscribers of the Valencian Tourist Board is used to convey information about the campaign.

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