Unexpected visitor: Brown bear takes a dip in Spanish reservoir

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brown bear swimming

In a special turn of events, a group of children attending a summer camp in Villablino, located in the Laciana region of León, experienced a once-in-a-lifetime encounter. While enjoying a day of canoeing at the Las Rozas reservoir, they witnessed a sight straight out of a wildlife documentary: a brown bear emerging from the water.

The adventure began as a typical summer activity organised by the local company Laciana Natura, aiming to provide the children with a peaceful canoeing experience surrounded by nature. However, as the kids were wrapping up their day, an unexpected guest made an appearance. A brown bear, likely attempting to cross from the east side of the reservoir near Rabanal de Abajo to the western forested area known as Matalachana, surfaced from the water right before their eyes.

The children were both stunned and thrilled by the sight of the bear. One of the campers, still buzzing with excitement, jokingly called for the bear to “take another dive” for a repeat performance, a moment captured in a video that quickly went viral.

Cogesa Expats

This rare encounter highlights the rich biodiversity of the Laciana region, where the boundaries between human activity and wildlife are often blurred. The area, known for its natural beauty and diverse ecosystems, once again proves to be a place where the unexpected can happen at any moment. The sight of a brown bear taking a swim serves as a powerful reminder of the wild, untamed nature that still thrives in this part of Spain.

Brown bear in Spain

An estimated 400 brown bears still live in Spain. They are mainly located in the northwestern regions of Castilla y León, western Asturias, southern Cantabria and the Pyrenees. The ‘oso pardo’, Iberian bear, was almost extinct.

Also read: Success of brown bear draws international attention

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