Strikes at Madrid airport could lead to 1,000 cancelled flights

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Madrid airport control tower strikes

Trade union UGT has declared strikes at the Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport control towers. These control towers are “central and irreplaceable in airport activities”. Moreover, the strikes are scheduled for March 27 and 29.

The strike started on Wednesday and coincided with the second phase of the Semana Santa exodus. UGT, the organiser of the strikes (which will be repeated on Friday, March 29), anticipates the cancellation of 800 to 1,000 flights. “Without us, like other groups, planes cannot depart or arrive,” they warn.

“Absurd salary conditions”

The union explains that it opted for this mobilisation because employees are faced with “absurd salary conditions as a result of Aena’s procurement model and the lack of labour regulation.” According to UGT, “they do not have a collective labour agreement”. “The companies that have registered for the tenders since the agency was established in 2011 have reduced the bids. This in the knowledge that they could reduce wages and eliminate other rights,” they regret.

Cogesa Expats

The union addresses itself directly to Serveo-Skyway, the company that provides the service. “The proposal they present to us after a year of negotiating a solution is the takeover for the coming years. Nothing is said about recognising the previous solution. The salary scale remains below what stock clerks at a well-known supermarket earn and no lost rights will be returned.”

Salaries have fallen by 30%

UGT claims that when the service was founded, employees earned €2,000 net. Now, “after 11 years and 25% inflation, a new employee earns €1,300 net in the first year and €1,600 thereafter with no prospect of subsequent salary improvement.” Their salaries have fallen by 30% during that time. Moreover, it is not the first time that important travel periods have been chosen to organise strikes.

Also read: Arrests at Madrid airport for large scale luggage theft

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