Sexting gained in popularity since pandemic in Spain

by Else BeekmanElse Beekman
Sexting reaches peak during pandemic

A dating app survey finds sending erotic messages, photos and videos (sexting) is not practiced by only a handful of daredevils. Results show 70% of the respondents indicated they had sexted at least once.

Sexting seems to have become an everyday phenomenon in the lives of many Spaniards. The pandemic has clearly played a major role in the need for sexting, as 59% of those surveyed say they have been sending sexual messages more frequently since March last year. Dating platform AdaptaUnTío carried out the research.

Contraction of sex and texting

The word “sexting” is a contraction of the English words “sex” and “texting”, which basically means sending sexual texts. It also includes sending erotic photos, videos or audio messages or a combination thereof.

Director Laura Solé of AdaptaUnTío thinks it goes without saying that in the current age, screens are increasingly used for establishing relationships and expressing emotional needs. Sexting offers Solé the opportunity to relate to others in a creative and digital way. According to her, this should always be done in a responsible manner.

Footage not necessarily more exciting

For 70% of the Spaniards surveyed, exchanging sexually explicit messages turns out to be exciting, both with and without visual material. In fact, the footage is of minor importance. Only 7% of those surveyed indicate footage enhances the excitement for them.

More than half of “sextingers” not embarrassed by strangers

Sexting is not only practiced in Spain within the steady relationship, but is also used to communicate or flirt with looser contacts. This happens more often, with 71% of the respondents who indicated they do sexting, doing so with a casual sex partner; versus 29% who do so with their regular partner. 53% of the respondents are not even embarrassed to send erotic photos or messages to strangers. The remaining 47% say they will never send an intimate photo or sexual text to a stranger.

The AdaptaUnTío platform does not allow the posting of nude photos. However, Solé cannot control what members share with each other outside the platform. That is why she advises to think carefully before sending sexually explicit images.

These images could end up in the wrong hands. Make sure the person receiving your message is reliable, and not unimportantly: that this person actually wishes to receive the sexually oriented message. Furthermore, Solé advises to only share images with which the identity cannot be traced; lways leave the face or other personal characteristics such as tattoos out of the picture.

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