The government of Aragon has launched an ambitious project that will put the Pyrenees on the map like never before. The Pyrenees Plan aims to transform the tourist destinations in the mountain region.
The plan should be implemented with an investment of no less than €250 million over eight years, financed by the regional government and European funds. Tourism already contributes up to 7% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to the region, but with the project the region wants to give a major economic boost to this.
Connecting ski resorts
Central to the plan is the connection of ski resorts in the Pyrenees, creating a unique tourist network. More than one million annual visitors and the creation of 60% of local jobs underline the importance of this initiative. The government of Aragon sees the renewal of the ski areas and associated facilities as a crucial step in making the region attractive to both residents and visitors.
A slide for all seasons
One of the most striking parts of the Pyrenees Plan is the construction of the giant slide in Panticosa. A budget of €6.5 million has been reserved for this project. It promises to be a spectacular addition to the region’s sporting infrastructure, usable in all seasons.
Repurposing of funds
After the rejection of a previous project by local authorities to connect ski areas, the current government of Aragon has decided to reallocate the €26 million in European funds. This money will now go towards improving infrastructure in various parts of the region, including Ribagorza and Campo de Daroca.
The future of the mountain regions
With the Pyrenees Plan, the government of Aragon wants to revitalise the mountain regions and prevent the exodus of villages. By investing in tourism and infrastructure, the hope is to strengthen the local economy and stabilise the population. With this ambitious plan, Aragon aims to become a leading mountain tourism destination. Moreover, the region competes with other popular mountain regions in Europe.