First legislation for LGBTQ+ community in Spain

by Else BeekmanElse Beekman
Ley Trans to be approved this week. A positive step for the LGBTQ+ community in Spain https://Image by under creative commons license

Spain’s Prime Minister Sánchez confirmed to Spanish news channel Cadena SER that on June 29 the Council of Ministers will approve the ‘Ley Trans’. This is the first national legislation in Spain for equal rights and freedoms for the LGBTQ+ community.

Pedro Sánchez said during the interview people in the LGBTQ+ community in Spain need maximum legal certainty, which must be accompanied by laws to endorse equality. The arrival of the LGBTI+ legislation was announced in Brussels last week during an EU summit.

Spain concerned about LGBTQ+ equal rights in Europe

Pedro Sánchez told his EU colleagues he was very concerned about the undermining people’s freedoms. The topic recently became big news after the introduction of the anti-gay law in Hungary. Spain is one of 17 EU Member States to sign a letter promising their government will do its utmost to promote diversity, inclusion, tolerance and respect for the rights of people from all communities.

New law also includes gender reassignment self-determination

Last month there was still controversy in the Spanish parliament due to the self-determination element within the law. The proposal that led to discussion was regarding the possibility of changing gender in the registry of births, marriages and deaths with only a statement from the person in question.

Sources from the Ministry of Equality say this part will be included in the legislation for LGBTQ+ citizens. The current bill states every individual of 14 years and older who wants to officially change their gender can apply to the civil registry. There they will be registered. The person in question can choose to change their gender without having to show proof or medical report.

The person in question is assisted by the registry office with information about the (legal) consequences of their choice. They are also provided with information on support measures and organisations.

Feminist movements denounce Ley Trans

Although equal rights for everyone initially seems like positive news, dozens of feminist associations took to the streets last weekend. The arrival of the Ley Trans has created a dichotomy within feminist movements.

Some of these organisations disapprove of the arrival of Ley Trans. The demonstrators demand the resignation of Irene Montero as minister of equality because the coming of this law disadvantages women because the term “sex” is changed to “gender”. According to them, being a woman is not a feeling but a material reality.

The protesters fear if Ley Trans is adopted, their safety could be compromised. Men with bad intentions can register as women, giving them access to, for example, the ladies toilet. They are also afraid of unfair situations when men register as women and participate in women’s sports competitions.

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