MADRID – The goal before the end of August is to vaccinate 70% of the population in Spain. The Spanish Prime Minister continues to insist on this. However, the question arises: “Who is among the 30% at the back of the queue, last to be vaccinated?”
The Spanish news site 20minutos investigated and attempted to clarify this group, which has not yet specifically been named. In principle, Spain vaccinates from old to young. Furthermore, the government pushes people in care, other professions and people from risk groups forward. Nevertheless, the plan for vaccinating all 60-year-olds has never been explained in concrete terms.
Children under the age of 16 do not yet require a corona vaccine
Experts, from the University of Barcelona and various epidemiologists, say children under the age of 16 will not be vaccinated before the end of August. This target group shows the least bad clinical picture after a Covid-19 infection. Moreover, studies are still ongoing into the administration of corona vaccines in children. Children under 16 make up around 16.5% of the Spanish population. This equates to slightly more than half of the 30% among those last to be vacinated.
People with contraindications and vaccine refusers
People who also fall into this 30% group are those with a contraindication to the corona vaccine. An example of this are pregnant women. However, studies are currently underway with corona vaccines and pregnant women. Therefore, these women are currently still in the target group that is not yet vaccinated.
The penultimate proportion of people who are not vaccinated before the end of August are people under the age of 65 who have been infected with Covid-19 within six months. There must be at least six months between the time of the infection and vaccination. Finally, it goes without saying that people who do not want to be vaccinated also belong to this 30%.
Correct vaccination strategy Spanish government
The experts consulted speak of a correct strategy and believe that all elderly people and healthcare personnel should all have at least a first dose as soon as possible. According to them, this is the best way to limit the number of deaths going forward and relieve the pressure on hospitals as soon as possible. While the Spanish government´s approach seems correct, everything still depends on the delivery of the vaccines.