UK Prime Minister cautious over opening up international travel

by Else BeekmanElse Beekman
UK PM cautious over opening up international travel on 17th May. Image: Number 10 on

LONDON – Speaking on Monday (3rd May), UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said there will be some “opening up” of international travel. However, he stressed it is important to be cautious.

Further details are expected to be released this week, confirming how and when international travel will restart in England. Boris Johnson said “we’ll be saying more as soon as we can” but “we have got to be very, very tough”.

Parliamentary group call for delay to international travel

Earlier, the BBC reported the all-party parliamentary group called on the government for the international travel rules to remain in place beyond 17th May.

They said airports were a “breeding ground” for the virus. The concern is due to arrivals mixing regardless of which countries they came from. The traffic light system will not prevent mingling at the airport.

The group of more than 60 MPs and peers said the government should discourage people from travelling abroad unless it is essential.

Experts assessing which countries are safe

Whilst visiting Hartlepool, County Durham, Mr Johnson was asked about holidays abroad. He said experts were currently assessing which countries were safe adding, “But I do think that it’s important to be cautious in this”.

“We do want to do some opening up on 17th May but I don’t think the people of this country want to see an influx of disease from anywhere else. I certainly don’t and we have got to be very, very tough and have got to be as cautious as we can whilst we continue to open up.”

Should UK citizens plan holidays abroad?

The UK PM was also asked whether people should plan their summer holidays. He replied: “We’ll be saying more as soon as we can. I think that there will be some openings up on the 17th but we have got to be cautious, we have got to be sensible, we have got to make sure we don’t see the virus coming back in.”

What are the plans for Europe and Spain?

Spain, France, Greece and Portugal are preparing to open to tourists. In Spain, the borders will open to UK residents in June.

The European Commission has also recommended opening up to travellers who have received both doses of the vaccine.

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