Spain breaks vaccination record again

by Else BeekmanElse Beekman
Spain sets new daily vaccination record

Just over a quarter of the Spanish population, 25.1%, have now had the full Covid-19 vaccination course. That means full immunisation for almost 12million Spaniards.

Just over a quarter of the Spanish population, 25.1%, have now had the full course of the covid-19 vaccine. This means full immunisation for 11,893,951 citizens, the Spanish Ministry of Health reported Thursday in an update on vaccination activities in the country.

New daily record on Thursday

According to the report, a total of 31,628,321 vaccines have been administered. That amounts to 91.1% of the total 34,715,980 doses dispensed.

On Thursday, Spain set a new daily record with the administration of 624,261 vaccines. In total, 43.5% of the population has now received at least one vaccine, making a total of 20,628,061 people.


90.7% of people aged 50 and over have part-immunisation, while 53.1% of this group have full immunisation.

Average incidence continues to decline

The Ministry of Health, led by Minister Carolina Darias, confirmed a total of 14,004 new coronas infections on Thursday, with 2,012 cases diagnosed in the previous 24 hours. On Wednesday, Spain recorded 2,160 new cases. This brings the total number of people infected with Covid-19 in Spain since the start of the pandemic to 3,729,458.

The current average incidence in Spain over the past 14 days continues to fall, and is now 110.35 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. This compares to 111.91 on Wednesday, according to figures from the Ministry of Health.

However, some restrictions will remain in place until the country achieves the 70% vaccination target.

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