Scam pretending to target online porn

by Lorraine Williamson
online porn scam


MADRID – It seems everywhere we look there are people trying to take advantage and scam innocent people. This latest scam is designed to target people who would fear being found guilty of a hideous online crime they didn´t commit. 

The Policia Nacional have alerted us once again via Twitter to yet another scam that is going around online.

Official looking document

The scammers sent what looks like an official document featuring a watermark on the paper. They advise the receiver that information has been seized from their computer server. And consequently, this information makes them the subject of various legal proceedings.

Furthermore, they go on to list the types of information allegedly found on their server. They advise it involves pornographic material including child porn.

72 hours

They continue saying a response must be made via email within 72 hours justifying or giving an explanation as to why this material was found on their server. 

DO NOT RESPOND! These scammers are attacking innocent people in the hope they will be worried by the correspondence. Therefore, they will react to protest their innocence.

Cogesa Expats

The scammers ask for the email to include full name, address, and telephone number.

Check for authenticity

Please check carefully anything you receive in the mail, online, or via your mobile. As you can see from the above Policia Nacional screenshot, there are several typing errors. In addition, there are many words that run together without spaces in between. 

And furthermore, the email address they ask people to respond to is a Gmail account. 

Beware of potential scams online via email and SMS

Some scams will be instantly recognisable by most for what they really are. However, others are more clever, or perhaps might hit your inbox at a time when you are most vulnerable.

Also read: Banks scams

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