Registering births or deaths in Spain

by Else BeekmanElse Beekman
registering births or deaths

Registering a birth or death in Spain is a simple process with an initial visit to the public offices. However, it can mostly be done online or carried out by the funeral director.


After the birth or death, the hospital will provide the necessary paperwork.  Take the paperwork to the registro civil (Civil Registry Office) where you will be given a form to complete.  You are required to take your original documents and copies of passports and NIE/TIE.  

Registration of a death

Losing a loved one is never easy, but there are several matters that must be addressed and various processes to go through. However, a funeral director will advise you of the requirements.  The first step is to register the death.

The official registration must be done within 24 hours. The death certificate given by the doctor should be taken to the registry office.  This should be Civil Registry Office in the area where the death occurred. And will allow the death to be formally registered.  The registration can be done by anyone who has knowledge of the death, but it is usually carried out by the funeral director, family member, friend, or neighbour.  The death certificate of the deceased will not state the cause of death but does note time and location.

There is no cost for the registration of death form. And it will contain the following:

  • Full name of the deceased
  • Names of the deceased´s parents
  • Marital status
  • Nationality
  • Date and location of birth
  • Birth registration details
  • Last known place of residence
  • Date, time, and location of death (as per the death certificate)
  • Place of cremation or burial (if indicated)

Once the registration process has been completed, a burial license will be issued.  A formal funeral can then be organised and take place.  Funerals in Spain are normally carried out within 48 hours of the death, although the funeral director will advise on this. A copy of the Spanish death certificate can be ordered online by visiting the Spanish Ministry of Justice website.

Registration of a birth

The official registration should be done within 8 days.  The certificate given by the hospital should be taken to the registry office.  On completion of the form, the birth has automatically been registered.  You will also at this point apply for the libro de familia (the family book).  You will be contacted around 2-3 weeks later, to collect the book.

When you apply for the family book, this does not mean you have also applied for the birth certificate. To request the birth certificate, you must go online to the Spanish Ministry of Justice.  There is an option to change the language to English. The birth certificate will be sent to you by post. This can take a few months.

When you have all these documents, you are then able to register your baby on the Padron and with your local doctor´s surgery. 

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