Number of new infections decreasing for the first time in Spain

by Lorraine Williamson
infections decreasing

MADRID – It has not happened since June 22, but now we are seeing infections decreasing. Wednesday was the first time in 35 days the number of new infections reduced. The slight decline is now expected to hit a plateau.

As yet, there is no sign of a sharp downward trend. However, Health Minister Carolina Darias has confirmed the curve now appears to be stabilising. “The objective is to keep the plateau flat now and then let the curve fall as quickly as possible.” Darias added the measures taken by the regional authorities are now starting to show results.

Infections decreasing in hardest hit regions

The decline was registered in the regions hardest hit by the fifth corona wave. These are Catalonia, Castile and León, Navarre, Asturias and Aragon. However, in some other regions, the incidence has increased again. The strongest increase occurred in La Rioja, Madrid and the Balearic Islands. A total of 27,149 new infections and 73 deaths as a result of Covid-19 were identified in Spain last Wednesday.

Pressure on hospitals continues to increase

The pressure on hospitals in Spain continues to increase, but this increase is less every day. On Wednesday, 9,672 covid patients were hospitalised, 150 more than Tuesday and 1,417 more than a week ago. 1,593 people with Covid-19 have now been admitted to the ICUs, 59 more than Tuesday and 413 more than a week ago.

Not stable yet

Experts, like Minister Darias, foresee the number of infections in Spain will remain at a plateau in the coming weeks. And, furthermore, that a significant decrease will not occur until mid-August. As long as there are regions with a favourable trend on the one hand and unfavourable regions on the other, there cannot be said to be a stabilisation.

According to Professor of Public Health Fernando Rodríguez Artalejo, the decrease in the number of infections is now mainly among the young. Moreover, this means the first step has been taken towards a downward trend that will consolidate later in August. From then on, it is expected the death rate and the pressure on hospitals will also decrease.

Audience in football stadiums

In the Interterritorial Council for Public Health, the minister consulted with her regional counterparts regarding maximum capacity in football stadiums. A working group represented by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Culture and Sport and the autonomous regions will examine the criteria on the basis of which the public is admitted to the stands. In any case, these criteria will be the same for all of Spain.

Vaccination is safe for pregnant women

The Council also discussed the vaccination of pregnant women. Gynecologists in Spain have urged the government to speed up vaccinating this group. This follows more and more pregnant women ending up in ICUs and even three of them died. The ministry emphasises vaccination for pregnant women is safe and effective.

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