No need for face masks in outdoor areas on Balearics for time being

by Else BeekmanElse Beekman
No need for masks in outdoor areas at moment on Balearics

Face masks are still mandatory in public indoor areas. For a while there was talk the government would reintroduce the obligation for masks in outdoor areas. However, it remains a recommendation for the time being.

Wearing a mask is mandatory outside when the safe distance of 1.5 meters cannot be maintained. The Balearics government now recommends wearing masks in outdoor areas again. Even if it is possible to keep 1.5 meters away. This in light of the increase in infections due to the new wave of coronavirus.

Despite the fact  the return of the mask obligation was in the plans of the regional government until yesterday, it was eventually decided not to reintroduce it. However, the government insisted the mask is currently mandatory if the established safety distance cannot be maintained. The government consulted with the social partners in reaching the decision.

The mask obligation has been lifted at a national level in outdoor areas for almost a month, unless the 1.5 meter distance cannot be kept. However, the epidemiological situation of the Balearic Islands meant this measure needed further discussion.

QR codes to access events

Another issue the minister also raised for the future was the request to central government to use the covid certificate QR codes for access mass sports or cultural events. This would mean being fully vaccinated or showing a negative test to gain entry to events such as concerts or sports competitions. In any case, it will depend on whether the national government allows the use of the the covid certificate QR code.

The president of the government, Francina Armengol, demanded “awareness” from the citizens of the islands in the face of the increase in infections. She said you should “be very careful in crowded places”. Armengol pointed out in statements to the media that the current situation “is not comparable to the previous corona wave”.

According to data provided on Monday, there are currently 7,460 people with an active infection in the archipelago. Each of those has been in close contact with at least 5 other individuals, Diario de Mallorca wrote on Tuesday. That means 37,300 islanders should self-isolate for ten days. 11.79% of all tests taken are positive. The number of hospital admissions increased from 161 to 180.

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