MADRID – On May 9 this year, the state of alarm in Spain will end. This means the related restrictions will be lifted and it will once again be possible to do more in Spain.
Over six months ago, on Sunday 25 October, the Royal Decree 926/2020 was published in the Spanish Official Journal BOE. Herein, the state of alert was declared. Furthermore, with associated measures in order to contain the number of Covid-19 infections during the pandemic.
Competence with sub-regions
The first state of alarm was declared in Spain on 14 March 2020. It lasted until 21 June of that year. As then, the autonomous communities, within the framework of the Inter-territorial Health Council, are now empowered to take their own measures.
What can be done again when the state of alarm is lifted?
When the state or alarm ends, this will mean greater freedom with the end of restrictions on mobility, curfew and social gatherings in sight.
Firstly, the curfew, which is included in Article 5 of the aforementioned Royal Decree, stipulating that ‘between 11pm and 6am’ people are not allowed on public roads or in public spaces, will be lifted. However, a number of autonomous communities have changed this timetable. For example by bringing the start of the day forward or postponing the end by a margin of two hours.
Secondly, the ‘restriction on entering and leaving autonomous communities and autonomous cities’ is likely to be lifted. This restriction was laid down in Article 6 of the Royal Decree. Lifting the restriction will make travel between the sub-regions possible again.
Finally, Article 7 of the Royal Decree still stipulates that groups in public and private areas may consist of a maximum of six people, both inside and outside. This restriction would also no longer be in force when the state of alert ends.