Feared scenario for missing sisters on Tenerife may become reality

by Else BeekmanElse Beekman
Instagram page for missing sisters

The search for the missing sisters Olivia and Anna is still ongoing. Special police units recently found several items belonging to the father in the sea. As a result, the feared scenario seems to be correct.

Shortly after the disappearance of the sisters Olivia (6) and Anna (1), father Tomás Gimeno’s boat was found off the coast of the Spanish island of Tenerife. The Spanish police found traces of blood which were confirmed to belong to the father.

Father’s belongings found off the coast of Tenerife 

Shortly afterwards, a car seat was found which now appears to belong to the youngest daughter. Recently, the units found an oxygen bottle and a duvet surrounding the site of the abandoned boat. Preliminary investigation by the forensic service shows these also belong to Tomás Gimeno.

A ship with a special sonar system found the oxygen bottle and duvet. This ship will continue to search for evidence until at least June 14th. A robot is also deployed at the bottom of the sea during the search.

Complex search due to current and changing wind

The search is complex because the area is very extensive and in some places more than a kilometre deep. A changing current or wind direction can cause the search area to change and increase in size.

Father kidnapped daughters

The Spanish news agency Efe informs El País it seems the father kidnapped the girls with premeditation. He may have been helped by one or more people to disappear. The Spanish news site Niusdairo.es writes on Wednesday no activity has taken place in Tomás Gimeno’s bank accounts since the disappearance.

Feared scenario Spanish police looks to become reality

For the time being, all found objects confirm the scenario the Spanish police have feared since April 27. In other words, the man killed his daughters and then himself. This would mean the bodies have been in the sea for more than a month. They will have been considerably affected by microorganisms on the seabed by now. The police units are therefore mainly looking for the remains of the missing sisters and their father Tomás.

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