Campaign in support of tourism amidst rising tensions in Mallorca

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Mallorca tourism

The Association of Food, Beverage, and Cleaning Distributors (ADED) has initiated a new campaign in support of the tourism sector, following recent protests against overcrowding in Mallorca this summer.

The campaign addresses the growing tensions and urges the community to reflect on the vital role tourism plays in the local economy. ADED’s message is clear: “Those driving these movements should ask themselves some important questions, such as: Can any citizen of this community truly say that among their family or close friends, there is someone who doesn’t directly or indirectly rely on tourism for their livelihood?”

Tourism tensions on the rise

This campaign comes in response to the increasing discomfort and, in some cases, mild aggression faced by visitors to the Balearic Islands. Moreover, ADED has expressed strong criticism of these incidents, stressing they could harm the island’s reputation as a tourist destination. “If anyone believes that tourism can withstand anything, they are completely mistaken. Just ask yourself: Would you go on holiday to a destination where you were received with tension and had to endure any of the described situations?” the association posed.

Cogesa Expats

Call for reflection and improvement

ADED acknowledges the need to address certain issues within the tourism sector. Meanwhile, they warn that fostering tension and rejection towards visitors could have serious consequences. “From tension and rejection towards our visitors, the only outcome we can expect is a repeat of the difficult years of 2020/21, when we had to plead for ‘SOSTurismo’,” the association concluded.

The campaign seeks to remind the residents of the Balearic Islands of the critical importance of tourism to the local economy and the need to maintain a welcoming environment for visitors, even as the community grapples with the challenges of managing tourism sustainably.

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